October 25, 2018

WeeChat(connect to an IRC server)

WeeChat usage

WeeChat is an IRC client for Linux.
WeeChat은 리눅스용 IRC 클라이언트.

1. Feature  특징
01. It supports Unicode.
유니코드 지원.

2. How to install  설치 방법
01. Install using the "apt-get" command.
apt-get 명령어로 설치.
# apt-get install weechat

3. How to use(WeeChat 2.3)  사용법
❑ Start.  시작.
# weechat

❑ End.  종료.

❑ Adding IRC server.
IRC 서버 추가.
01. Plain communication server. 평문 통신 서버.
/server add [server name] [server address]/[port]
/server add otw irc.overthewire.org/6667

02. Encryption communication server.
암호화 통신 서버
/server add otws ircs.overthewire.org/6697 -ssl
/set irc.server_default.ssl_verify off
/set irc.server_default.ssl_dhkey_size 1024

❑ Deleting IRC server.
IRC 서버 삭제.
/server del [Server name]

❑ Server connecting/disconnecting.
01. Server list. 서버 목록.

02. Connection. 접속.
/connect [Server name]

03. Disconnection. 접속해제.

❑ Channel connecting/disconnecting.
01. Connection. 접속.
/join #[Channel name]

02. Disconnection. 접속해제.

❑ Changing a nickname.닉네임 변경.
/set irc.server.[server name].nicks "[new nickname]"

❑ Unicode setting.
유니코드 설정.
$ vi ~/.weechat/charset.conf

# weechat -- charset.conf
# WARNING: It is NOT recommended to edit this file by hand,
# especially if WeeChat is running.
# Use /set or similar command to change settings in WeeChat.
# For more info, see: https://weechat.org/doc/quickstart

decode = "cp949" # Korean 한글
encode = "cp949" # Korean 한글



❑ Shortcuts
Alt+[Number]Switch to another buffer of the not same buffer number.
버퍼 번호가 다른, 다른 버퍼로 화면 전환.
Ctrl+xSwitch to another buffer of the same buffer number.
버퍼 번호가 같은, 다른 버퍼로 화면 전환.
Scroll the current buffer.
버퍼 화면 스크롤.
F11/F12Scroll the nickname list in chatting room.
채팅방에서 닉네임 리스트 스크롤.

Check environment  점검 환경
O   SWindws 7(64 bits)CPUIntel i7
RAM8 GBShellbash 4.4.12(3)(Cygwin)