Public view/pure functions can be simply called. However, in other cases, you need to log in because of gas fee. It can be done with metamask.public view/pure 함수는 간단히 호출할 수 있다. 그러나 그 외의 경우는 가스비를 제출해야하므로 로그인이 필요하다. 이를 위해 여기서는 메타마스크를 활용하는 방법을 알아본다.1. public view/pure function
<script src=""></script><script>const · · ·
August 18, 2022
August 17, 2022
How to initialize Web3 library in Javascript
To use Web3, there are two ways to enter an RPC address or use a metamask. Web3를 사용하려면 RPC 주소를 입력하거나 메타마스크를 이용하는 방법이 있다. 1. Using RPC Address (Polygon Network). 1. RPC 주소를 입력하는 방법(폴리곤 네트워크).
<script src=""></script><script>const rpcPolygon = ""; let web3 = · · ·
April 13, 2022
Square CTF postfuscator write up
< getFlag #4, Own this NFT! (Link) >
▶ How to playDownload the provided file(Link).제공되는 파일 다운로드.
The humans who designed C9 were afraid that the Charvises would disavow their pact.인류는 차비스가 약속을 파기할 가능성에 대해 두려워했다. The humans therefore decided to build an additional defense system, C9, using an ancient programming language. A programming language · · ·
March 11, 2022
Square CTF 2018 gofuscated write up
< Success #3, Own this NFT! (Link) > Just click the ♡ of the NFT to receive the free airdrop.
▶ How to playDownload the provided file(Link).제공되는 파일 다운로드.
The very first settlers didn't have a lot of confidence in their hand-assembled C6 system. They therefore built C7, an advanced defense system written in Golang.초기에 제작된 C6 시스템은 저수준 언어로 · · ·
February 22, 2022
Square CTF 2018 gates of hell write up
< Success #2, Own this NFT! (Link) > Just click the ♡ of the NFT to receive the free airdrop.
▶ How to play# docker run --rm --env PORT=80 -p 8081:80 squarectf/gates-of-hell
C6 is a Linux based system. It was brought to Charvis by the very first settlers. You found a USB drive with a copy of the executable.C6은 리눅스 기반 시스템으로, 초기 정착민들이 · · ·
February 01, 2022
How to print coordinates on the screen with Python
import matplotlib.pyplot as pltx = [100, 500, 100, 500 ]y = [100, 500, 500, 100 ]plt.fill(x, y, color="lightgray") Using Python's matplotlib module, displaing coordinates is simple. However, the system must support GUI. 파이썬의 matplotlib 모듈을 이용하면 간단히 좌표를 표시할 수 있다. 다만, 시스템이 GUI를 지원해야 한다. Make two lists to store X, Y coordinates. · · ·
How to convert TTF to TTX(XML) with Python
Converting font files using Python is simple. Just call the saveXML() function of the fontTools module. 파이썬을 이용한 폰트 파일 변환은 간단하다. fontTools 모듈의 saveXML() 함수를 호출하면 된다.from fontTools.ttLib import TTFontfont = TTFont("xxx.ttf")font.saveXML("xxx.ttx")1. Input TTF and create an object with TTFont().2. Call the saveXML() method of the object to save it.3. · · ·
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