July 01, 2018

How to create a shared folder between Windows and Linux

To share a folder, I shared the windows folder and mounted it in Linux.

Follow the steps below with referring to the images.

How to create a shared folder between Windows and Linux's Windows side

[Step 1] Open the file's properties to share.

[Step 2] Move to "Sharing" tab and Click "Advanced Sharing".

[Step 3] Check "Share this folder" and click "Permissions".

[Step 4] Set proper user/group to allow approach using the "Add/Remove" button.

[Step 5] Set proper permission using "Allow/Deny" checkboxes and click "OK" multiple times.

Now, the folder is shared. Let's try to mount this folder on Linux.

How to create a shared folder between Windows and Linux's Linux side

[Step 1] Input the mount command : # mount -t cifs //[IP address]/[Folder name] [Mount path] -o username=[User name ],password=[Password]

[Step 2] Check shared status and use it.

※ If you want to unmount the shared directory, just use the command "umount".

Check environment
O      S Ubuntu 16.04 (64bit) CPU Intel i7
SHELL GNU bash (4.3.48) RAM 1 GB

Check environment
O      S Windws 7 (64bit) CPU Intel i7