May 13, 2018

Google hacking

❑ Google hacking : The technique that identifies vulnerabilities through information gathered by Google search engines or Google applications.

❑ How to utilize Google search engine
(Double quote)
- Search binding multiple words together into one keyword.
- Search including the input keyword.
- Search handling the input keyword as components of string if "+" option is added.
e.g. Google hacking → abcd Google hacking efgh
+"Google hacking" → abcdGoogle hackingefgh
site:Search from the specific site.
e.g. pwntools site:
filetype:Search for specific filetype.
e.g. filetype:pdf
intitle:Search from the title
e.g. intitle:intranet
intitle:"index of"
intext:Search from the contents
inurl:Search from the URL
e.g. inurl:admin
link:Search for the link to the site.
e.g. link:
(Space)Search using AND operation.
|Search using OR operation.
e.g. filetype:"asp|php|jsp"
-Search excluding specific keyword.
e.g. -filetype:"asp|php|jsp"
+Search including the input keyword.
~Search including similar results.
(Wild card character)
Search including arbitrary strings.
e.g. google*hacking → google abcdefg hijklmn hacking
@Search for input keywords on the social medias.
e.g. @google
#Search for input keywords on the hash tag.
e.g. #google 
..Search for the number range.
e.g. google 2017..2018
numrange:Search for the number range.
e.g. numrange:1-10
inanchor:Search from link strings.
related:Search the related site
define:Search the definition of the input keyword.
cache:[URL]Check the cached screen of the URL.
info:[URL]Check the summarized information of the URL.