March 19, 2018

The hidden meaning of Linux directory permissions

❑ Known meanings of directory permissions.

❍ r : It is possible to list files in the directory(ls).
❍ w : It is possible to create, modify, and delete files in the directory.
❍ x : It is possible to explore the directory(cd).  

Linux directory permission test

< Permission test 1 image >

❑ Permission test 1(Directory permission is rw-)
❍ Fail : File openness.
❍ Fail : File modification.
❍ Fail : File removal.
❍ Fail : File creation.
❍ Success : ls

❑ Permission test 2(Directory permission is --x)
❍ Success File openness.
❍ Success File modification.
❍ Fail : File removal.
❍ Fail : File creation.
❍ Fail : ls

 Actual minimum required permissions for directory.
❍ File openness : --x
❍ File modification : --x
❍ File removal : -wx
❍ File creation : -wx
❍ File execution : --x
❍ ls : r--
❍ cd : --x

Check environment
O      S Ubuntu 15.10 (64bit) CPU Intel i7-4710MQ 2.50GHz
SHELL GNU bash (4.3.42) RAM 1 GB