May 29, 2018

Proxy server types

reverse proxy and forward proxy

❑ Forward proxy : The proxy server for the client. It protects the clients by being located in front of the clients. This proxy server connects to the network instead of the clients.
❑ Reverse proxy : The proxy server for the internal server. It protects the internal server by being located in front of the internal servers. This proxy server communicates with clients instead of the internal server.
* Advantage : Hiding internal server. Load balancing.

❑ Transparent proxy : The proxy server that contains the proxy server type and the client IP address in a request header.
* Proxy server type : Via:~
* Client IP address : X-Forwarded-For:~
❑ Anonymous proxy : The proxy server that contains the proxy server type in a request header.
❑ High anonymous proxy : The proxy server that doesn't contain the proxy server type and the client IP address in a request header. Clients using the proxy can't be tracked.

❑ Open proxy : The public proxy server that all users can access.

※ The proxy server type and the client IP address are the header data sent by proxy server.