February 16, 2018

FSB(Format String Bug)

❑ FSB(Format String Bug) : A bug caused by the format string of a function that performs formatting.

❑ In printf(), %s,%x can leak memory values, and %n can input a value at a specific position. 

(x86, printf) Assuming that the stack frame is like above when the format string can be input, the following exploits are possible.

1. %s%s%s → AAAABBBBCCCC
2. %08x%08x%08x%08x%08x →  414141414242424243434343[SFP value][RET value]
3. %08x%08x%08x%08x%n → The RET is changed to decimal 32.
4. %5$n→  The RET is changed to 0.

※ FSB exploit example(Link)
    printf's format string(Link)