❑ Stack frame is this(Link)
❑ Stack frame structure
┌─────────────────────┐ → Low address
│Local variables(Top to bottom in source code)
│SFP(Saved Frame Pointer)
│RET(Return address)
│Parameters(Right to left in source code)
└─────────────────────┘ → High address
┌─────────────────────┐ → Low address
│Local variables(Top to bottom in source code)
│SFP(Saved Frame Pointer)
│RET(Return address)
│Parameters(Right to left in source code)
└─────────────────────┘ → High address
❍ Parameters : The values passed to the function.
❍ RET : The address to return to the parent function.
❍ SFP : The EBP address of the parent function.
❍ Local variables : The variables used by current function.