August 29, 2017

Setting Eclipse for C/C++ development

□ Install Eclipse.
□ Install CDT(C/C++ Development Tools) : "Help" → "Install New Software" → "Add"
○ Name : CDT
○ Location :
* Location : → Copy the address "p2 software repository" of the Eclipse version you have installed.

□ Install Compiler
○ Install MinGW : → "downloads"
* Select only "C Compiler" and "C++ Compiler"
○ "MinGW Base System" → Right click "mingw32-gcc"  → "Mark for Installation"
○ "Installation" → "Mark All Upgrads", "Apply Changes"
○ "Mark for Installation" for 4 items like above image.
○ "Installation" → "Mark All Upgrads", "Apply Changes"

□ Add Path
○ "Computer" → "Property" → "Change settings" → "Environment Variables" → System variables' "Path" → Add "C:\MinGW\bin;"

□ Configure environment
○ "Windows" → "Preferences" → "New C/C++ Project Wizard" → "Makefile Project"
○ "Binary Parsers" → Check "GNU Elf Parser"
○ "Error Parsers" → Check all without one like the above image.
○ "Builder Settings" → Insert "mingw32-maker.exe" in "Build command:"

□ Make a project : Be sure to select "MinGW GCC"

□ If make error occurs,
○ Right click on the project → "Properties" → "Run/Debug Settings" → Select the project → "Delete"