April 04, 2018

Root me write-up : Bash - cron

To comply with the write-up rule of root-me.org, in this write-up, I just talk about some hints related this challenge. Here is no solution and correct answer.

hint for getting flag at Root me Bash - cron

Check the provided file the "ch4". It executes files regularly with cron service and makes directory "._cron". It is driven with the permission to get the flag.

And this is some operations of bash script if statement :
1. -f : Exist & Regular file
2. -a : And
3. -x : Exist & Executable file

Using the above conditions, you can do anything with the given permission. But the directory creation strangely couldn't do.

March 28, 2018

Root me write-up : Python - input()

To comply with the write-up rule of root-me.org, in this write-up, I just listed hints related this challenge. Here is no solution and correct answer. I ask for your understanding.

<Source code>

import sys

def youLose():
    print "Try again ;-)"

    p = input("Please enter password : ")

with open(".passwd") as f:
    passwd = f.readline().strip()
        if (p == int(passwd)):
            print "Well done ! You can validate with this password !"

In this source code, there is "input()" function. It has a critical vulnerability, The post I wrote before about "input()" function maybe helps you.

Using this vulnerability can result in a number of cases. I could get the flags without satisfying the condition of the if statement.

December 23, 2017

Root me write-up : Perl - Command injection

description of  Perl - Command injection

Retrieve the password stored in .passwd.

first scene of Perl - Command injection

There are .passwd, ch7.pl and setuid-wrapper files.

This challenge seems to read the .passwd file using the permissions of the setuid-wrapper file.

※ Two kinds of SUID(Link).

operation of Perl - Command injection

This program prompts you to enter a file path. Then it outputs the statistical results of the contents of the file.

#include <stdlib.h>

/* setuid script wrapper */

int main()
    return 0;



use strict;
use warnings;


sub main {
    my ($file, $line) = @_;


    while((my $file = <STDIN>)) {
        chomp $file;



sub prompt {
    local $| = 1;
    print ">>> ";
sub menu {
    print "*************************\n";
    print "* Stat File Service    *\n";
    print "*************************\n";

sub check_read_access {
    my $f = shift;

    if(-f $f) {
        my $filemode = (stat($f))[2];

        return ($filemode & 4);

    return 0;

sub process_file {
    my $file = shift;
    my $line;
    my ($line_count, $char_count, $word_count) = (0,0,0);

    $file =~ /(.+)/;
    $file = $1;
    if(!open(F, $file)) {
        die "[-] Can't open $file: $!\n";

    while(($line = <F>)) {
        $char_count += length $line;
        $word_count += scalar(split/\W+/, $line);

    print "~~~ Statistics for \"$file\" ~~~\n";
    print "Lines: $line_count\n";
    print "Words: $word_count\n";
    print "Chars: $char_count\n";

    close F;

The perl script file, ch7.pl, uses <STDIN> to accept user input and store it in $file. Then it opens $file to print simple statistics.

Note that this script uses the open () function. This function has a hidden feature that can use shell commands. Details can be found here(Link). This hidden feature can be used to get a flag.

getting flag of Perl - Command injection

The flag obtained successfully.

November 10, 2017

Root me write-up : Bash - System 2

quiz description in Bash - System 2

It looks like that it can be solved by changing the "ls" command to "cat". However, since there is no "-l" option in "cat" command, "ls -lA" should be "cat".

setuid permission in Bash - System 2

SUID is in use.

I used the following method to change "ls -lA" to "cat".

1. Make a /tmp/tmpt/ls program to exploit.


int main() {
system("■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■t/ch12/.passwd;");
return 0;

2. Add /tmp/tmpt to PATH environment variable.

write up summary in Bash - System 2


October 18, 2017

Root me write-up : sudo - weak configuration

sudo weak configuration

Wishing to simplify the task by not modifying rights, the administrator has not thought about the side effects...

checking environment at sudo weak configuration

The "~/ch1cracked/.passwd" file is for the "app-script-ch1-cracked" account. The file has a flag.

Te wildcard is appeard at sudo weak configuration

There is a mention of "Privilege escalation" in the game description.

The traditional way to escalate privilege is to use "sudo" or "su". It is possible to see what what permissions are available through "sudo -l".

The important point is that there is a wildcard character(*). This means that both the parent directory and the current directory are included.

get flag with the wildcard at sudo weak configuration

The flags can be obtained using the characteristic of the wildcard.

October 15, 2017

Root me write-up : Bash - System 1

description at Bash - system 1

Try to find your path padawan!

Checking environment at Bash - system 1

"ch11" has SUID permission, and the "ls" command depends on the PATH environment variable.

The goal is reading the ".passwd".

The ls is main vulnerability at Bash - system 1

The soft link "ls" that functions as "cat" reads the ".passwd".

If the current path is included in the PATH environment variable, the vulnerability can occur like above.

maybe they have secure os at Bash - system 1

But there is something strange.

I changed the path "/tmp/test2" to "/tmp" but it doesn't worked. The "app-script-ch11-cracked" account could not run "/tmp/ls". There was no problem with file permissions(777).

I also used "alias" to make the "ls" to execute "/bin/cat", but it did not work. and I made the "ls" run a bash script file, but SUID was not applied.

It seems that a secure OS is applied the server and the separate invisible security policy is in operation.