July 02, 2018

How to use NcFTP client

NcFTP(NCEMRsoft FTP) client is a simple FTP(File Transfer Protocol) program alternative to the standard FTP client.

It has better performance than standard FTP client and supports multiple operating systems including UNIX, Linux, Windows and OS X.

Note that the following FTP server is a non-existent virtual server.

connect to a FTP server using NcFTP client

❑ ncftp -u [ID] [Server address] : Connect to a FTP server.
* #ncftp → />open -u [ID] [Server address] is also available.
❑ ls : List files.
❑ cd : Change directory.

upload and download at a FTP server using NcFTP client

❑ get [File path] : Download a file. The file is stored in the home directory.
❑ put [File path] : Upload a file. use slash(/) to the path instead of backslash(\).