❑ Sploiter is a plugin of IDA capable for finding ROP gadget.
❑ Feature
❍ It is GUI based IDA plugin.
❍ It supports PE, ELF, OS X Mach-O binaries.
❑ How to install
❍ Connect to sploiter distribution site(Link).
❍ Download idasploit-x.x.zip
❍ Place idasploiter.py in [Installed IDA path]\Plugins\.
❍ Run IDA
* Python 3.x for Windows can cause errors when using sploiter.
❑ How to use
2. Click "ROP gadgets..." menu or push Alt+R.
3. Select one module.
4. Set options.
5. Click "Search"
There are a few things I want to let you know.
First, the option "Allow conditional jumps" finds many kinds of jump like jn, je etc. but I couldn't see jmp gadget.I tried to find it by adjusting several options, but it was not possible.
Second, Ctrl+F or Ctrl+Shift+F is useful to find ROP gadgets.
Third, Size sorting is useful.